Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/720 ss, ISO 100, F4.3, auto mode
Photoshop: Brightened entire photo, gradient tool to soften light in bottom right corner, increase picture saturation
About Photo: Picture was taken on RMC campus in front of the library
Camera Settings: Macro Mode, no flash, 1/250 ss, ISO 100, F4.8
Photoshop: Brightened entire picture, decreased contrast of entire picture, decreased hue of area around bee, decreased light of area around bee, increased brightness of bee, increased contrast of bee, decreased hue of bee, increased saturation of bee, decreased lightness of bee
About Photo: Picture was taken on RMC campus in front of the libraryCamera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/360 ss, ISO 100, F4.8, auto mode
Photoshop: Increased brightness, increased contrast, decreased hue, increased saturation, decreased lightness, used a warming filter
About Photo: Picture was take in Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Portrait mode, 1/720 ss, ISO 100 F7.7
Photoshop: Cropped out finger, increased chipmunk brightness, increased chipmunk contrast, decreased brightness around chipmunk, decreased total hue, increased total saturation, used a warming filter
About Photo: This picture was taken at a pull-out on the Beartooth Highway
Camera Settings: Landscape mode, 1/1000 ss, ISO 100, F4.3
Photoshop: Decreased terrain brightness, increased sky brightness, increased sky contrast, increased lake brightness, increased lake contrast, decreased lake hue
About Photo: This picture was taken at a pull-out on the Beartooth Highway
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Landscape mode, 1/500 ss, ISO 100, F6.2
Photoshop: Increased total brightness, used a warming filter
About Photo: This is the Lower Falls in Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/360 ss, ISO 100, F5.0, auto mode
Photoshop: Decreased hue, Increased saturation (bring out the red)
About Photo: Picture was taken on RMC campus in front of the library
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Action mode, burst mode, 1/1500 ss, ISO 100, F4.3
Photoshop: Increased tomato brightness, decreased total hue, increased total saturation, levels adjustment (brought black and white pointers in)
About Photo: This picture was taken mainly by trial and error (tossing the tomato up and trying to snap off a shot in the air)
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Landscape mode, 1/500 ss, ISO 100, F4.3
Photoshop: Decreased total hue, increased total saturation, increased sky hue, increased sky saturation, decreased sky lightness
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park
Camera Settings: 1/500 ss, ISO 100, F4.3, automode
Photoshop: Increased sky hue, increased sky saturation, increased sky lightness, decreased terrain hue
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park out of a moving car
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/500 ss, ISO 100, F2.6, portrait mode
Photoshop: Cropped out some branches, increased total brightness, gradient adjustment to darken the upper portion of the frame, soft light filter, decreased total hue, increased saturation
About Photo: This is a picture of Tower Falls in Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/1500 ss, ISO 100, F4.3, landscape mode
Photoshop: Gradient adjustment to darken sky, soft light filter, decreased ground hue (bring out red), increased ground saturation
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park
Camera Settings: Macro mode, 1/360 ss,ISO 100, F7.7
Photoshop: Cropped picture to focus on the textures, decreased total hue, increased total saturation, decreased total lightness, used a deep yellow filter (bring out the yellow), increased brightness, increased contrast
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park in one of the geyser basins
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Sunset mode (let more light in, no flash), 1/720 ss, ISO 100, F2.6
Photoshop: Increased brightness of the steps, decreased contrast of the steps, decreased hue of the steps (bring out red), increased saturation of the steps.
About Photo: This picture was taken in the Mammoth Hot Springs section of Yellowstone National Park
Camera Settings: Portrait mode, 1/250 ss, ISO 100, F4.3
Photoshop: Used a warming filter on terrain to add some color to all the white
About Photo: This picture was taken in the Mammoth Hot Springs section of Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/125 ss, ISO 200, F4.8, automode
Photoshop: Decreased total hue (bring out the tan hair on the sheep), increased total saturation, used the gradient utility to darken the clouds, used a soft light filter, used a clone stamp to get rid of a post
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/720 ss ISO 100, F2.6, sunset mode, no flash
Photoshop: Used a clone stamp to get rid of a stop sign, used a levels adjustment to get the balance between light and dark that I wanted (brought white towards the center), decreased total contrast, decreased arch and road hue saturation, increased arch and road lightness
About Photo: This is the Teddy Roosevelt arch at the Gardener entrance to Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/125 ss, ISO 100, F2.6, automode
Photoshop: Increased total brightness, increased total contrast, decreased total hue, Increased saturation, cropped out top of picture to make the holey rock the focus.
About Photo: This picture was taken at Phipps Park just outside of Billings. I thought it looked like a monster eating a bush
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/360 ss, ISO 100, F5.3, sunset mode, no flash
Photoshop: Used the gradient utility to darken the upper left corner, used a soft light filter, decreased total hue (bring out yellow), increased total saturation, decreased lightness, increased contrast
About Photo: This picture was taken at Phipps Park just outside of Billings
Camera Settings: Sunset mode, no flash, 1/360 ss, ISO 100, F2.6
Photoshop: Cropped out some of the rock to make the tree and the sky more of the focus, decreased the brightness of the sky, increased contrast of the sky, cooling filter on the sky, levels adjustment on whole picture (moved gray curser right), decreased total hue, applied a green filter on the terrain to make the terrain pop a little more
About Photo: This picture was taken at Phipps Park just outside of Billings
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Sunset mode, no flash, 1/720 ss, ISO 100, F4.3
Photoshop: Increased hue of the brush, increased total lightness, increased brightness of the sky, decreased contrast of the sky, used the levels adjustment to obtain a more defined silhouette of the tree
About Photo: This picture was taken at Phipps Park just outside of Billings
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/720 ss, ISO 100, F2.6, portrait mode, no flash
Photoshop: decreased total hue (bring out the yellows), increased saturation, cropped out a distracting fence post in bottom right of picture.
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park
Camera Settings: Macro mode, 1/180 ss, ISO 117, F3.1, portrait mode
Photoshop: Lightened whole picture with levels adjustment (bring black to right), decreased hue of leaf (bring out the reds), increased saturation of leaf, decreased total lightness, increased total brightness.
About Photo: This picture was taken on the RMC campus next to the library
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: landscape mode, 1/1250 ss, ISO 100, F4.3
Photoshop: decreased total hue, increased total brightness, increased total contrast (all to bring out the yellows), cropped out the tree trunk
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Landscape mode, 1/250 ss, ISO 105, F5.6
Photoshop: Increased terrain brighness, increased terrain contrast, increased terrain hue (all to bring out the yellows), increased sky brightness, decreased sky contrast (make the clouds softer)
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: 1/720 ss, ISO 100, F4.3, automode
Photoshop: Increased total brightness, decreased total hue, used the gradient utility on upper right corner to darken the harsh light, used a soft light filter, used a levels adjustment to what ratio I wanted between light and dark (moved black and white cursers in)
About Photo: This picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Landscame mode, 1/1250 ss, ISO 100, F4.3
Photoshop: Increased total brightness, decreased total hue (blue tinge to snow), increased total saturation
About Photo: This picture was taken at Pioneer Park in Billings
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: Landscape mode, 1/1250 ss, ISO 100, F5.0
Photoshop: Decreased contrast (more detail), increased saturation, decreased lightness
About Photo: This picture was taken at Pioneer Park in Billings
Camera Settings: Macro mode, 1/100 ss, ISO 100, F4.3
Photoshop: Increased brightness, increased contrast, decreased hue (bring out blue), increased saturation
About Photo: This picture was taken at Pioneer Park in Billings
Camera: HP Photosmart R607
Camera Settings: AV mode, macro mode, 1/125 ss, ISO 133, F2.6
Photoshop: Decreased saturation all the way
About Photo: This picture was taken at Phipps park just outside of Billings