Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Air Force Photographers

If you try to Google "current Air Force photographers", you probably won't find much of a biography on any of them.  You can find pictures that they have taken on , but seeing as though much of the work that the military does is classified, the picture count is not quite as much as a civilian's photography page.  Nevertheless, military still photographers do exist.  It is just as much of a job as maintenance is to an Air Force mechanic.  These soldiers take pride in the fact that they can show the public what most people wouldn't normally see by just watching the news.  Keep in mind that Air Force photographers have access to views that civilian media photographers don't.  This means that their photographs are that much more special (at least in my opinion).  For them, their job isn't just about getting really awesome photographs.  Its mainly about the story that the picture tells.  Modern Air Force photographers not only take some really cool pictures of planes, but also take pictures on the ground of the interactions between soldiers and Iraqis and Afghans.  If you have a chance, check out the pictures on the Air Force website!


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