Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Twisted Tree Photography

This week I decided to try to look into some abstract tree photography.  So, I Googled "tree photography".  The first thing to pop up was a link to  To my surprise, the photos on were nothing like what I was looking for, but not in a bad way.  As I looked through Michael and Tammy Rice's photography gallery, I became hooked.  The husband and wife team specialize in landscape photography and promote their photos that they have taken across the U.S. and Canada.  They take pride in what they do, and it shows.  I really can't think of too many jobs that you can go out and enjoy the sights while still making a living at it.  And their photos are beautiful in my opinion.  On the home page, Michael and Tammy mention that they, "believe that to take photography to the next level, one must pursue both disciplines (taking pictures and enhancing images)."  My favorite section of their photo gallery is the Yellowstone National Park section.  Why?  Well, I really like to see things that I have never seen in pictures that I am sure we have all seen just walking around.  Since moving to Montana, I have been to Yellowstone National Park 5+ times.  Not once have I thought about taking a picture of a marsh or a hill.  The Rice photographers have taken shots like these and look just as magnificent as a picture of a mountain range.  I have noticed that in most all of their landscape shots in Yellowstone contain cloud cover and/or the use of natural side-lighting.  This allows the scene to show more definition and, I think, adds more emotion to the photograph.  My most favorite picture of theirs is a landscape of hotpots covered by dark stratocumulus clouds.  Visit their website if you get a chance!


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